艾比Vasek德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® educator 艾比Vasek teaches the course Writing Listing Descriptions and is the founder of the real estate school Elevate Your Real Estate. 她在温伯利拥有艾比Vasek Interiors,是一名设计师和影响者. 她通过她的Facebook群组Elevate Your Real Estate为代理商提供了一份清单描述工作表.

Put yourself in the shoes of potential buyers. Which listing description sounds better to you?

”木地板. 开放式平面图.” Or…

宽大的松木地板扩展到整个开放式平面,并提供温暖, solid surface for you and your furry friends to enjoy.”

The second description shines because it tells a story. 它以一种帮助买家想象住在你想卖给他们的房子里是什么感觉的方式,将功能与利益联系起来.

即使你的房产已经卖得很快,你也值得花时间改进你的房源描述, says real estate educator 艾比Vasek. 你会吸引更多认真的报价,以及更多与房产更匹配的买家.

Listing descriptions also speak volumes about you, 你的专业知识, and the quality of service you provide. What does it say if your descriptions are lackluster? “如果我们仅仅因为市场表现良好就降低标准, we’d be doing ourselves a great disservice,她说。.



保持简短:研究表明买家更喜欢50字以内的描述, 据Vasek说. 记住,你的目标不是把一切都说出来,只是为了吸引读者了解更多. “大多数汽车广告都不会谈论杯架、安全带或后备箱的平方英尺面积. They tease me into action,” she observes.

请记住:《十大网络彩票平台大全》第10-3条规定禁止REALTOR®广告显示偏好, 限制, or discrimination based on the protected classes.

Keep Your Language Inclusive

当你开始描述谁可能会喜欢某个房产的功能时,你可能会冒着使用不那么包容的语言的风险. Instead, make the property feature the subject of the sentence. “例如,我可能会说太阳能加热游泳池提供全年的乐趣和娱乐. These shade trees provide hours of cool play in the summertime.”

Connect Descriptive Features to Benefits

如果一个特性值得提及,那么它就值得与好处联系起来. In the example with the wood floors, tell the reader more. What do the wide planked pine floors do? 它们可能会扩展到整个开放式平面,这是第二个特点. Then you could connect them to the benefit of providing a warm, solid surface for you and your furry friends to enjoy.


Don’t use generic terms like charming or spacious. They don’t add anything. “不要掩盖事实,开始以最好的方式展示你想要推销的东西,Vasek指出. 买家在寻找各种类型的房产,甚至是拆解房和待修房. If the house is small, say it’s small.

Vasek还2021十大正规彩票app不要在清单描述中使用缩写. 你的读者会停止想象房子,开始尝试破译缩写. Then you’ve taken the reader out of the story.

Don’t sound desperate, either. Priced to sell and will move quickly can extend the days on market and lower your sale price.

Vasek说 buyers are tired of the overuse of exclamation points. 她限制自己在每个清单描述中使用一个感叹号.

End with a Call to Action

既然你已经吸引了读者的注意力,那就邀请他们迈出下一步吧. “我提醒我们的特工,我们需要记住,这些叙事描述要非常人性化、令人愉快. And don’t be afraid to use a little humor. 我的一个行动呼吁是:“谨慎看待自己:你会坠入爱河的。.’”

Write the Headline Last

Listings need titles, just like stories. Short and sweet titles like Sweetheart Starter Home and Urban Loft Life act as headlines that establish the tone and setting. 她说:“在拥挤的市场中,这个标题是我们吸引所有人注意力的地方。. So spend time perfecting it.

Learn What Success Looks Like

如果你的叙述清单描述能让你产生某种感觉,你就知道自己成功了. The description should evoke an image in your mind. 你应该能够想象自己在房子里,想象住在那里是什么感觉.

当您开始将清单描述想象成故事时,编写清单描述会变得更容易, Vasek说. It will be less stressful and frustrating. 你也会听到其他代理商和你的卖家客户的积极反馈. “房主会说,‘我们的房产听起来很棒,看起来也很棒.’ That’s another way that you know,” Vasek说.

最后,当你的描述与买家产生共鸣时,你就知道你的描述是有效的. 根据Vasek的说法,人类天生就能理解并对故事做出反应. “Our job is to appeal to buyers’ hearts as well as their minds.”