这很容易被忽略. Maybe you were working with your buyer to win a bidding war, or perhaps you were presenting the 13 offers that came in for your seller that day. 2022年初市场活跃, 你可能错过了一则可能改变某些房产评估工作方式的公告:房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)规定,某些购买交易可以进行评估,而评估师从未涉足该房产. 即使你听说过1004桌面评估,你也可能还没见过.

你可能会认为,在COVID-19大流行的早期,桌面评估只是偶尔出现的异常现象, but the GSEs have been experimenting with desktop valuations for years. Fannie and Freddie are getting very comfortable with these types of valuations, 因此,了解如何进行这些评估对评估师和经纪人都很重要.


根据 房利美销售指南, 在满足以下条件的情况下,贷款人可能会获得承销部门对桌面评估的认可:

  • 单位性质
  • 主要居住
  • 采购事务
  • 90%或更低的LTV.

Will the quality of the appraisal hold up?

The initial concerns that arise with desktop appraisals are always related to quality. 显而易见的问题是:“评估师如何在没有看到房子的情况下评估它??答案是 data. 政府资助企业做了相当多的研究,发现当估价师得到高质量的数据时, the results are very similar to traditional appraisals, at least as far as mortgage risk is concerned.

当然, 抵押品风险并不是2021十大正规彩票app经纪人在交易中主要关心的问题. 你担心的是没有亲自检查房屋的估价师会错过一些重要的东西, which will impact the valuation and put the transaction in jeopardy. 事实是,具备地理能力并了解市场的评估师,在得出可信的估价意见时不会有任何困难, 如果提供了足够的信息.

This is where the real estate agent comes in. 该系统预期,在向估价师提供足够质量和数量的可核查数据以产生可信的价值意见方面,清单代理将是关键的一块.

What do 1004 Desktop appraisals require?

根据 房利美销售指南, 1004 .桌面评估需要与传统评估相同的所有证据. That includes a floor plan with measurements. 值得注意的是,平面图需要比传统的评估更详细. The floor plan needs to include exterior measurements and interior walls. 传统的估价通常不包括估价师绘制的平面图草图上的内墙. 其他展品将包括照片, 升级和更新列表, and many other exhibits already included in most listings 发布 in the local MLS.


Should your buyer’s lender request a desktop appraisal, having the following items ready would allow for a near-seamless process:

照片 -这可能是最简单的部分. The vast majority of listings already include extensive photos. It would be a good idea to have several supplemental photos available as well, 你可能不想在清单上发布,但这将有助于提供估价师. 这些照片包括:

  • 家的四面八方
  • Mechanical systems (water heaters, HVAC, etc.)
  • Every room of the house, including the utility room and all bathrooms
  • 车库
  • Backyard, including patios, pergolas, pools, and other amenities
  • 视图,包括不需要的视图. The appraiser is going to know about them anyway, 因此,最好给出一个概念,即景观如何真正影响物业的享受和使用. You can point out tall fences or other mitigating factors this way, 太.

在大多数情况下, photos will be better than virtual tours or videos, 因为它们更容易包含在最终评估报告中或保留在估价师的工作档案中. Virtual tours and videos are great supplements, though. 当然,如果你已经投资了这些,它们会被张贴在列表中供所有人看到.

平面图/测量 – This may be part of the process you want done by a 可靠的 third party, as DIY online floor-plan generation 太ls provide mixed results. 在很多情况下, the floor plans themselves are beautiful; however, 测量可能包含误差. 使用不可靠的平面图生成器可能会增加代理或经纪人被十大网络彩票平台大全或诉讼的风险. This is where appraisers can be very helpful. 一些评估师在利用平面图生成工具方面变得更加熟练,并且可以确保最终结果是准确的. The cost for most listings is reasonable, 准确的, ANSI-compliant square footage is often reason enough to pay for this service.

更新/升级名单 – While a photo may be worth a thousand words, a detailed written description provides context and accuracy. 例如, if your listing has a remodeled kitchen, the photos will go a long way toward demonstrating that fact. 然而, 如果这些照片加上一份文件,说明厨房改造是在2019年完成的,包括维京电器和卡拉拉大理石台面, the appraiser has additional information that may not have conveyed clearly in the photos.

第三方数据 -虽然准则允许代理人或卖方向估价师提供大部分所需的信息, 应当注意的是,准则要求评估师确定信息是准确的, 可靠的, and sufficient to produce a credible appraisal. 提供全面的, consistent data will go a long way toward that goal; however, utilizing third parties is also helpful. If you hired a professional photographer, state that in the information you provide. If you had an appraiser take measurements and scan your home for the floor plan, 让桌面评估师知道. 引用你的资料来源是很有帮助的.

Many real estate agents already provide information packets to appraisers, including the rationale and support for the price. 您提供给桌面估价师的包看起来非常相似,但会包括上述附加的证据.


在一天结束的时候, 桌面评估所需的大部分信息都是您已经收集到的信息,或者即使从未要求桌面评估,这些信息也会对您的清单有很大的帮助. 确保你的清单是“桌面就绪”,可以确保你的清单给今天的买家留下深刻的印象,他们在做决定时需要大量的数据. Sellers will also appreciate your level of detail and service, and will have confidence in your skill as an agent. 这样一来,为桌面评估做好准备对买方和卖方都是一种双赢, which means that it is a win for you as an agent, 太.