With the challenges of the pandemic, curb appeal is more important than ever. 买家 may be limiting their in-person tours or otherwise placing more emphasis on what they can see from the outside.  Consider these steps to make the most out of your listings:


A tidy lawn always looks appealing. Make sure it’s mowed and edged regularly, and consider filling in any bare spots with seed or fresh sod. 

Give Space to Shrubs and Trees 

Shrubs and trees near the house should accent the structure, not cover it. Cut them back to make space between the plants.


Put colorful flowers in front beds and remove any weeds or dead plants. Pour a fresh layer of mulch on all beds and around trees. 

Consider Paint or Repairs

Take a critical look at the front of the house. You may not care about a crooked shutter, rotten siding, or fading paint, but 买家 will. Calculate what it would cost to make a few high visibility improvements.  


Get rid of dirt or mold on patios, 人行道, and driveways with a pressure washer and some gentle soap. 


把孩子的玩具收起来, park vehicles in the garage or down the street, and store tools and yard equipment out of sight. 


You can’t fix every flaw or please all potential 买家, but taking these steps will go a long way toward improved curb appeal. For recommendations specific to your property, talk to a REALTOR®. He or she has the expertise to know what 买家 are looking for in your market.